June 5th, 2024

How Much Does A Home Cost In Bozeman?

What’s the Bozeman MT median home price in Q2 2024?

What’s a House Cost in Bozeman, MT?

Q1 2024$749,000$750,000
Q1 2023$762,500$815,000
Q1 2022$755,000$699,000
Q1 2021$699,000$481,000
Q1 2020$465,000$436,550

How much is a home in Bozeman? A house costs $951,650; in all Bozeman areas, which is a significant increase over the Q1 2023 price.

$951,650 is ⇑ $85,776 or a 9.9% increase compared to Q1 2023’s $865,874.

What’s the Bozeman MT median home price in Q2 2024?
Chart 1:  What’s the Bozeman MT median home price in Q2 2024?

Chart 1: Well into Q2 2024, the median home price in Bozeman is $951,650.

Broken down by city limits,  prices are $749,000 inside the city and $1,200,000 outside the city.

Looking Back

During Q1 2023 median list price for all Bozeman was $866,748, which was below the Q1, 2022 median price of $900,500.

The median price for a Bozeman home inside the city in Q1, 2022 was $755,000.

In Q1, 2021, $635,000; in 2020, $465,000; and in 2019, $438,500. 

Outside the city in Q1, 2022 the median price for a Bozeman home was 1,150,000; in Q1, 2021, $699,750; in Q1, 2020, $587,500; and in Q1, 2019, $546,500.

From the beginning of Covid to the beginning of 2024, the median cost of a home inside Bozeman has increased ⇑ $391,000 or ⇑ 84.1% (Q1 2020, @ $465,000 to Q1 2024 @ $749,000).

During this same period, but in Greater Bozeman, the median cost of a home has increased ⇑ $612,500, ⇑ 104.3% (Q1 2020, @ $587,500 to Q1 2024 @ $1,200,000).

There were significant market price increases in most of those 20 quarters.

Houses are expensive in Bozeman!

The average cost of a Bozeman house increased ⇑ $334,015 or 64.6%, inside the city from the inception of Covid, from March 2020, $517,425 to August 2022, $851,440.

The average cost of a Bozeman house increased ⇑ $654,315, 89.5% outside the city from Covid began, from March 2020, @ $731,190 to August 2022 @ $1,385,505.

Tell me more about Average Price vs Median Price.

So, what about the cost of a Bozeman luxury home? – What’s the luxury market report say?

Photo Average Percent of List Price for a Bozeman home.
Chart 2: Average Percent of List Price for a Bozeman home.

Chart 2: Average Percent of List Price (APLP) gained from a sale began dropping in Q2 2021 when it was 102.8%.

Average Percent of List Price has dropped to 96.9% in Q2 2024.

At the end of both Q1 2022 and 2021, PLP was over 100%, the first time in decades.

In 2020, the sales price of a Bozeman home outside the city increased 3% more than the sales price of a home inside Bozeman.

It’s difficult to project future home prices in Bozeman, except to say that getting a handle on Covid-19  higher mortgage rates may slow home buying and selling.

Some Closing Thoughts

The best method for figuring the true cost of a Bozeman home is to look at individual closed sales.

Closed Sales best reflect true worth of what a Bozeman house should cost you, but individual closed sale numbers are not publicized.

Therefore, the next best method to determine what a Bozeman home costs, i.e., its worth, is to look at median price across all sold homes.

This would get you close, but it’s still skewed a bit, as the percent of list price (chart 3) in the past 5 years has been from 96% to over 100% of sales price.

Tags: are houses cheap in bozeman?, are houses expensive in bozeman?, How much are houses in Bozeman?, what do bozeman houses cost?, What's A Bozeman Home Cost?, wht's the cost of a bozeman home?

Taunya Fagan

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