:2024 Bozeman Leaf Pickup Fall Schedule
It’s that time of year again…leaf raking and collection, October 17th to November 14th.
In its attempt to keep storm drains clear, the City of Bozeman asks for your participation in the 2024 Bozeman fall leaf collection.
Though leaves help keep our city cool in the summer and colorful in the fall, wet leaves can easily clog storm drains and freeze in the winter, forcing city crews to unplug frozen storm drains, taking time from performing other, essential Bozeman maintenance tasks. (Check Schedules below first and then use this map if needed.)

SUBDIVISION CALANDER / SCHEDULE (various colors on map)
This year, Bozeman’s 2024 leaf roundup, collecting ONLY your leaves, will begin on Thursday, October 17th, in Bozeman’s “Subdivisions,“ which is all the area around the city’s “Core.”
Please note that leaf bags in Riverside Subdivision will be picked up,
- Monday, October 17th
- The Lakes, Monday, October 28th
- Sundance Springs Monday, November 1st
- West Meadows, Monday, November 1st
- Creekwood, Tuesday, November 12th
- All other pickups are listed in the general subdivision calendar.
After finishing the Subdivisions, the city crews will move to “Core” areas beginning, Monday, October 21st. The “Core” is the area directly around the downtown and radiating out for a mile or so.
All streets with a leaf pickup date in both “Core” and “Subdivision” areas will be posted with “Street Maintenance, No Parking Signs” a short time prior to their leaf collection pickup day.
Look for these signs and move your vehicle accordingly, or it may be towed so crews can collect leaves and sweep your street directly after leaf pickup. Ensure you pack your leaves into compostable paper bags only. Then drag the bag or rake the loose leaves into your street’s gutter prior to your street’s leaf collection day.
SCHOOLS? CALL 406.582.3202
Bozeman leaves cleanup day in the area around our schools is for one day only. Streets around some of Bozeman’s schools will also be marked with “Street Maintenance, No Parking Signs.” Without cars on the streets, city crews can quickly collect leaves and then sweep the streets around Irving, Emily Dickinson, Longfellow, Whittier, Morning Star, and Hawthorne Schools.
‘Wanna cleanup your own leaves in 2024? Bring your full, compostable leaf bags (NO other yard waste!) to 814 N. Bozeman Avenue (City Shops Complex), 406.582.3200, on these Saturdays, from 9:30am am to 2 pm: Saturday, October 26; Saturday, November 2nd; Saturday, November 9th; and Saturday, November 16th.
For more information, please go to City of Bozeman 2024 Fall Leaf Pickup Page.